Samyak Kapoor, Inspirit AI ambassador — Intro blog

Samyak kapoor
2 min readOct 30, 2020


Hi! I am Samyak Kapoor, a high school student at Venkateshwar Global School with a passion for literally anything with ‘e’ as a prefix. My hobbies are gaming and ‘e’-shopping. Inspirit AI was my first experience in the computer science world and my amazing mentors made sure that it’s not my last.

My experience at Inspirit AI cannot be described in words. Even saying that it was breathtaking is kind of an underestimation. My instructor was Mr. Artem Trotsyuk. I loved his way of teaching, he would sit through the breaks to solve the class’ doubts. We worked on a plant disease detection model during the second week of the course which gave me a deep understanding of computer vision and image classification. Making the project with my team was really fun, we cracked jokes and played games during the break.

Over the course of next few weeks, I will guide you on how to make a Natural language processing model(which by the way I made for the Facebook Hackathon) and a project which uses computer vision. I will ,probably, make a video for a detailed analysis of those projects too. The Natural language processing model is the base for creating chatbots and the Computer vision model is used to detect hand gestures and convert them into text.

Anyone interested to enter the open source world or learn more about it is welcomed to read my blogs. I hope to help you make cool stuff.

It is going to be an exciting journey moving forward so hang on tight and enjoy the ride!

Samyak Kapoor is a Student Ambassador in the Inspirit AI Student Ambassadors Program. Inspirit AI is a pre-collegiate enrichment program that exposes curious high school students globally to AI through live online classes. Learn more at



Samyak kapoor

A tech savvy high school student starting a blog series on Artificial intelligence and machine learning. Open to connect -